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Fala Day 2015

There were no parameters for noise pollution on Fala Day May 2nd, 2015, and it’s a good thing…it may have been the best way to find the Pavillion if lost in Arlington’s River Legacy Park that day. Between scores of Scotties, all thinking they were alpha dogs, their recalcitrant companions and laughing owners, quite a din competed with the auctioneer for attention during the 15th annual event to fund North Texas Scottie Rescue’s efforts another season.

The past year 48 dogs, including two litters of puppies, came through the shelter, most needing veterinary assistance. Half the puppies were lost, but six survived, three wheatens and three black puppies…two came to the Fala Day picnic, where they were reunited with one of the litter’s mother, a brindle Scottie. The puppies were all legs and feet, falling all over Mom, but she was having none of it and put them back in their place, even though they are all the same size now.

Fala Day attendees who decorated auction paddles for competition had some elaborate themes from teddy bears to glittery Scotties. Shiela Silva of Denton, Texas, won with a black Scottie in sequins and red, white and black ribbons decorated like a prom mum. Flowers, crowns and ribbons were abundant on all the decorated paddles.

A gorgeous quilt by Kay Forbes took the top prize, still a bargain at $550, for all the work in such a beautiful quilt. The second high bid was a Scottie footstool at $300, going to Luanne Thomas of Denton, Texas, who had seen similar footstools by an artist of roosters at an art show the day before selling for even more, so she was happy with her purchase! An original piece of art by a Fort Worth artist of a Scottie in blue bonnets sold for $115 and a cast iron doorstop of the CrackerJack man and his Scottie dog sold for $80. Many other donated auction items added to the total, both old and new items, keeping the auctioneer busy for an hour.

The costume contest was won this year by Emmalyn Gladney Miron’s Scottie cheerleaders, complete with Pom Poms on the paws. Second prize went to a group of Highlanders, third to the Prom King and Queen. Honorable mention to the cowboy and tuxedo for being brave enough to enter! It takes courage for a Scottie to dress up in costume and parade in front of a bunch of Scottie admirers!

The Fala Day finale ever year is bobbing for hot dogs, and every year the amateurs line up to challenge the champion, but no one comes close to toppling the king. As the contenders were lowered into the pool to bob for hot dogs, they worked their way up to as many as 7, but no one came closer. Then Sterling got into the pool…chomp, chomp, chomp…19 down the hatch before the counting stopped! Winner and still champion! It wasn’t close to his record of 32, but the day was getting warm and humid and he’d already had an appetizer to keep him away from the amateurs earlier in the afternoon. Allowances must be made.

It was the perfect end to a perfect Fala Day.

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