Auction Instructions
• To place a bid: Type the amount you are bidding in the comment section under the photo of the item you wish to bid on. Bid in US $, whole dollar amounts only,
• Bids: Only place bids during the auction run dates (early bids will be deleted by an Auction Administrator prior to the start of the auction for fairness to all participants)
•Periodically check back to see if you are still the current high bidder throughout the auction. You can use the search feature and search by the item number or you can search by looking at the “photos”.
•Facebook will send you a notification message every time someone else either bids or comments on the item you have placed a bid.
•Once a bid is placed it is considered binding please do not delete your bid.
•The auction will end at 6:00pm CSDT and no seconds past the hour or 06:00:00pm CSDT on Sunday, October 18th, 2020. The winner will be the last person to bid before the clock turns to 6:00:01pm CSDT as determined by the Unix time stamp. If you cannot see the time, hover your mouse over it and you will see the time in seconds (PC or browser users only).
• Have fun! Remember, there are no friends at an auction, only high bidders!
• NTSR Auction Admins: The Admins will monitor the auction page until all items have been paid, shipped and received. Thank you for your bid and your participation in the NTSR Auction! ​